Adacad Workshop and Preliminary Weave Drafts

This workshop was amazing. Though I felt a little out of my league when trying to comprehend what exactly was going on all the time, once I got to play with the software for a while and troubleshoot a few issues, I learned to at least vaguely understand what I was doing. The open ended nature of the Jacquard loom drafts is a whole other world to get into, which is why the building block nature of the software was really helpful.

By following the workshop and experimenting, I came up with my own weave draft using an image scan of an old family stamp, overlaid onto an interlaced set of tabby and satin weaves.

My 2pic draft is more similar to the example uploaded by Laura, but I was okay with that because I didn’t really understand what I was doing at that point.

Julian GagnierComment