Weaving - Physical and Digital

This class was full of new experiences for me. While I was somewhat comfortable with the Grasshopper work, and digital weaving, I was totally new to physical weaving entering this workshop. Once on the loom, it was fairly intuitive, and as long as I kept a relatively simple weave, there was not much to mess up. I did enjoy my time on the loom, though I can see how it is limiting once one can understand all the possible weaves on this type of loom. For complexity and convenience of making large quantities, it is understandable that a more complex loom would be developed.

Replicating weaving digitally is fairly simple, though the nuances and glitches of Rhino/Grasshopper are always interesting to deal with. I felt like I reached a level of understanding with the digital weaving, as I felt it responded nicely to Marantha Dawkins’ Pattern Encoding techniques well, and felt like a natural progression.